Inventory of Samudra

Animals (435)

435 Salmen: Balarama (44), Hetvin Driya (42), Niyuta (38), Gananagati (30), Bodhisattva (29), Asamkheya (21), Lalita Vistarautra (21), Dasavatara (21), Prajapati (17), Matsya (17), Atata (17), Rama (17), Kaiki (17), Parashurama (17), Vivara (17), Koti Pakoti (17), Bahula (17), Hetuhila (16), Pakoti (15), Jyotiba (5)
  • Data is refreshed infrequently, so it is normal for there to be minor inaccuracies in the numbers of Piggies, Patches, Trees and other easily modified objects.
  • Some streets, such as housing and group halls, are not included.
  • Ghost Sightings, Machine Rooms, Race Ticket Dispensers and Mailboxes are entered manually; please let Zog know if any are wrong.