Zog's Glitchy Tools

Route from Groddle Forest Junction to Level 4 East

  1. Start at Groddle Forest Junction
  2. Walk to Oktyabrya
  3. Walk to Ilmenskie
  4. Walk to Eastern Approach
  5. Walk to The Other Drop
  6. Walk to Level 4 East
Avoid Subway
Reverse Route
  • Zog has not yet accounted for all wormholes.
  • All walking routes are assumed to be equally expensive, which is untrue (e.g. navigating Glutton Greens is slower than navigating Froughtful Fen
  • Subway route cost is assumed to be 4.1 + 2 x number of hops when compared with walking.
  • If any part of your route is infeasible, please contact Zog and ask him to fix it.